Hermit Thrush:
Further up the trail, the Jack Pines were filled with Pine Warblers. There were at least 4 singing males, along with several females. Along this trail, I heard a group of Wild Turkeys and heard a Ruffed Grouse drumming. A pair of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers chased each other through the woods, while a Pileated Woodpecker sailed through the trees. Later, I had two more new year birds, a Gray Catbird and Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
Blue-headed Vireo:
Butterflies were also flying:
Eastern Comma-4
Cabbage White-1
Mourning Cloak-4
Spring Azure-9
Pine Warbler:
Great pics! What camera do you use?
Canon 40D with 400mm f/5.6 lens.
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